Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Software Add-ons

Software add-on disk beside a laptop
Software add-on disk
beside a laptop

Introduction About Software Add-ons

Software Add-Ons are plug-ins to certain software application components that offer additional capabilities to the software. Software Add-Ons are also called expansion packs or software extensions.

Summary About Software Add-ons

A software component that adds a specific feature to a software application is known as a Software Add-On. Web browser extensions are examples of software add-ons.

Uses of Add-on Software

Software add-ons in web browsers
Software add-ons
in web browsers
Add-ons about a Software Application can be used to:

  • Build usable applications of add-on software into customized software programs
  • Develop new ways to build innovative and useful add-on software applications
  • Encourage computer users by distributing add-on software to users worldwide
  • Frame software demonstrations of new types of software add-on applications
  • Increase the number of featured uses of software programs with new add-on apps
  • Learn about add-on software programs developed for computer users worldwide
  • Nurture the need to develop sharable software for distribution as add-ons
  • Prepare useful freeware software feature additions using customizable add-ons
  • Research newer and better ways to distribute add-on programs on a global scale
  • Share a network of sharable add-ons on the Internet visited by software users
  • Transform add-on software versions with new features as developments become live

Advantages of Add-on Software

Software add-ons installed on a web browser
Software add-ons
installed on a web browser
Advantages of Add-on Software could include:

  • Ability to provide useful features through software add-ons to users worldwide
  • Answering the demand for distribution of add-ons for new software programs
  • Beginning the launch and update of add-on software based on customized programs
  • Building add-on software programs to solve tasks faster and more efficiently
  • Clarifying the need to build add-on software to fulfil software feature requests
  • Communicating the need to build add-on software for making tasks more convenient
  • Cultivating the culture of sharing software by launching useful software add-ons
  • Engaging software users around the world in using useful add-on software tools
  • Helping software developers gain the required feedback for customizing add-ons
  • Improving the quality of customizable software features offered with add-on code
  • Motivating add-on software users to leave feedback about add-on programs
  • Representing the add-on software community to learn more about add-on programs
  • Resourcefulness in providing add-on software to users with different devices
  • Transforming the need to use add-on software to make complex tasks convenient

Web search add-on software being used on a web browser
Web search add-on
software being used
on a web browser

Disadvantages of Add-on Software

Disadvantages of Add-on Software could include:

  • Not having the proper channels to transmit add-on software to reach all users
  • Causing a demographic divide between freeware and commercialware add-on programs
  • Devising strategies to launch add-ons instead of fully functional software packs
  • Discriminating add-on code written between versions of freeware software apps
  • Fabrication of paid add-on software applications with freeware versions as well
  • Generating requests for users to contribute money to use add-ons that are free
  • Having different types of add-on software developed to solve the same tasks
  • Influencing users to buy add-on software despite there being full software packs
    Young users using add-on software
    Young users using
    add-on software
  • Reducing the amount of code used in add-ons at the cost of fewer new functions
  • Restricting the need to obtain add-on software application programs for free
  • Revealing the way in which add-on software is coded to rival company developers
  • Stimulating the need to launch ineffective advertisement campaigns for add-ons
  • Targeting add-on software users with advertisements in currently used software
  • Terminating the need to issue add-on software with made-to-order data storage
  • Uncovering new ways to make add-on software applications with fewer features
  • Witnessing the gradual decline of fully customizable add-on software programs

Feedback About Add-on Software

Feedback about Add-on Software are presented as follows:
Software add-on toolbars being used on a web browser
Software add-on toolbars
being used on a web browser

  • Add-on Software is software that is distributed as an extension to a fully functional software program.
  • Add-on Software represents the type of software application that assists software with exhibiting new features and functionality.
  • Add-on Software conveys a medium to express skills in software development with innovative and useful add-on software application programs.
  • An Add-on Software program implies a means to make sharable software popular in different types of add-on software categories.
  • An Add-on Software presents the opportunity to develop add-on software application programs that can be used and funded by users from all over the world.
  • Add-on Software conveys the category of plug-in software that's most suitable to internet browser users of computers and devices.
  • Add-on Software demonstrates new ways to make software extensions with updates till a fully functional version is launched.

Close-up of address bar on a web browser
Close-up of address
bar on a web browser

Resources On Software Add-ons

Software Add-on can be reviewed using the following informational resources:

Browser Extensions
Read about Browser Extensions on Wikipedia.org. Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_extension

Read about Plug-Ins on Wikipedia.org. Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plug-in_%28computing%29

Downloadable Content
Read about Downloadable Content on Wikipedia.org. Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downloadable_content

Expansion Pack
Read about Expansion Pack on Wikipedia.org. Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_pack

Mozilla Add-Ons
Read about Mozilla Add-Ons on Wikipedia.org. Visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Add-ons
Web browser using software toolbar add-ons
Web browser using
software toolbar add-ons

Add-on Software Glossary

A glossary of terms about Add-on Software are presented as follows:

Add-on Software Program: A software program that's installed onto another software program to add new functionality is known as an Add-on Software Program.

Add-on Software User: A computer user who uses add-on software is known as an Add-on Software User.

Add-on Software Company: A company that develops add-on software is called an Add-on Software Company.

Add-on Software Developer: A programmer who develops the code to compile and make add-on software is called an Add-on Software Developer.

Add-on Software Source: A source that offers ways to obtain add-on software is known as an Add-on Software Source.

Various software programs using add-ons
Various software programs
using add-ons

Add-on Software FAQs

Some of the frequently asked questions about Add-on Software are answered as follows:

What is Add-on Software?
Add-on Software is a type of software that is installed as an extension to fully functional software.

Who uses Add-on Software?
Add-on Software is used by computer and mobile device users who want to extend the functionality of installed software.

Where are Add-on Software applications located?
Add-on Software applications are located where there is a add-on software distribution source.

When is Add-on Software used?
Add-on Software is used on occasion of requiring a new software features to make tasks easier.

Why is Add-on Software used?
Add-on Software is used because add-on software is easily distributed to a large number of users due to it's compact size and can be made to perform simple and complex tasks easily.

How is Add-on Software used?
Add-on Software is used by installing the add-on software program and running the executable file(s).

Does Add-on Software cost money to use?
Add-on Software does not cost money to use unless it is distributed as commercialware.
Laptop computer running software add-ons in a software program
Laptop computer
running software
add-ons in a
software program

Does an Add-on Software developer gain money to develop add-on?
An Add-on Software developer does gain money to develop add-on, in the form of donations and paid upgrades.

Is an Add-on Software program available online?
An Add-on Software program is available online on add-on software sites and official sites of add-on software programs.

Can Add-on Software be commercialized?
Add-on Software can be commercialized into software with upgraded versions of add-on software programs.

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